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LEARN "BEST-KEPT SECRETS"! - Here are links to our STARSH!P knowledge repositories, STARSH!P: Intel/Tech (GOoD Newsgroup and community), which stores the secrets of the ancients and the tech advances of the future in media-rich links, giving insights to all kinds of subjects that have seldom been understood for a lack of comprehensive information on it/them (eg. Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, various religious aspects, Sovereignty, Life after 2012, etc). 
Follow STARSH!P:'s board Living Plus [Inspirational] on Pinterest.
 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Living Plus [Sovereignty] on Pinterest.

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HOW-TOs/DIYs - All STARSH!P tech is engineered, tested, installed and/or maintained by our 'creation station', Mars RED1 Media (a closed PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP Mastermind Group) + Tech development (STARSH!P: Labs [Light/Soundlabs], and STARSH!P: Intel [Tech Threadlink).

Therein is access to our/your MASTERMIND GROUP and project boards, where you can find out how WE BUILT THIS VIRTUAL 'PUSHPAKA VIMANA' (city-sized craft) and how to build one for yourself as well!


 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Living Plus [Futuristic Cities, Concept Housing and Scapes] on Pinterest.

 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Living Plus [Furniture, Decor and Living Solutions] on Pinterest.

 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Technology [Practical, Creative & Medical Solutions] on Pinterest.

 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Technology [Cool Conceptual Vehicles] on Pinterest.


 Follow STARSH!P:'s board Technology [Cyberpunk Fantasy] on Pinterest.

Follow STARSH!P:'s board Technology [Non-Lethal Weaponry] on Pinterest.

Please, feel free to comment, 'like' and even 'share' our content if it has helped your understanding [questions and subject requests welcome as well], thanks!

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